
Hitherto and Henceforth is a webcomic about youth, politics, dogma, and figuring out what shape the space left for you in the annals of history is. It is written and drawn by StarsInMyDamnEyes.

Hilda Terry

The year is 2017. In a world where the machinations of an errant Catholic order has its eyes set on a new epoch marked by fantastical ambition, we follow our protagonist, Vixie, as she and her friends, enemies, and those of ambiguous status find themselves caught up in the threads of a history that promises to become much greater than the sum of its parts.

Please be forewarned: although the protagonist is young, Hitherto and Henceforth is aimed primarily towards an older audience. As such, the narrative incorporates themes and subjects that some may find disturbing or upsetting. Although my intent is not to make an '18+ only' comic, I feel it would be remiss not to forewarn readers that this is not the lighthearted fantasy story that it might inadvertently masquerade as.